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Apartment interior design

Apartment interior design. Studio VAKULENKODESIGN

The interiors of apartments in a modern style are the most popular and preferred today. They are based on such styles as minimalism, hi-tech, loft, Scandinavian style, eco style. Each of them has its own characteristics. 


When performing design of apartments, you must consider:

  • the lifestyle and needs of residents,

  • the number of people living, their age and habits,

  • the presence of children and pets in the family;

  • the availability of funds to implement design ideas.


The designer creates the visual atmosphere of the apartment, thinking over not only a beautiful picture for the photo of the interior, but providing functionality to the smallest detail.


Interior design portfolio


In ourportfoliointerior designers presented different objects. The design of small real apartments, in which there is no place for large-scale ideas, and functionality and comfort come to the fore. The task of the designer is to develop the interiors of ordinary apartments so that they look free, not cluttered, while leaving the full functionality of the comforts of a modern person's home.


We also work with large objects. On our photos in the portfolio, the elite interior design of the apartment seems light and airy, devoid of clutter and trash, empty areas. This impression is achieved by working out every interior detail, combining all the parameters of the room, lighting and decor objects into a single whole, as well as by general consistency in the same style. 


Even an inexpensive apartment interior inpanel housecan be made unique and stylish with the help of a professional designer of the VAKULENKODESIGN architectural studio.


Studio of interior design and architecture by Sergey and Daria Vakulenko

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